Acupuncture needles inserted into clients back
Acutonic tuning forks placed on a clients back
Gua sha cosmetic acupuncture performed on face
Acupuncture needles inserted into clients back
At Botanical Point we are dedicated to healing each person from the inside-out. With the philosophy of treating the person and not the symptom, we are adept at treating a wide range of health concerns.
acupuncture Calgary
I have/had struggled all summer with lower back pain, stiffness and discomfort. Chiro wasn’t helping and upon a recommendation from a friend, I went to see Dr Jessica. What a great experience. Dr Jessica took the time to listen, understand the issues with my QL and started a treatment plan. After three visits, forth coming up. The acupuncture and cupping have done wonders. I am gaining pain free movement again. The stiffness is finally releasing and feeling better, more mobile and most importantly. Pain free. I highly recommend Dr Jessica.
-Mark D.
"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."
The acupuncture has been so helpful for my joint pain, but once I started taking the herbs I noticed a shift in how I slept, my energy level and my joint pain. Jess is so knowledgeable about what herbs will be useful for what ailments and checks up on you to make sure the dosage is working for you.
- Rachel C.